Thousands of emails enter your organization via your network daily. One malicious email out of thousands, opened by an unaware employee, can be enough to bring your organization to a halt. And despite your best attempts to keep your security infrastructure updated, threats are still getting through and causing damage across your network, which results in time wasted and diminishing returns on your network security investments. Join our upcoming webinar to discover why Proofpoint  Email Protection ensures that your organization and its teams have access to a secure network at all times

    Introduction of the Proofpoint People Centric approach

    Ben Kapuler,, Proofpoint Sales Manager and his partner Micha Bar, Proofpoint Sales Engineer will introduce the Proofpoint People Centric approach , and it’s direct impact on the Israeli market.

    Why choose Proofpoint as the main networking path protector in the organization?

    Benny Biton, Sales Engineer at Innocom and Micha Bar, Proofpoint Sales Engineer will introduce the latest technology in the world of email protection, with a touch of the manufacturer’s unique solutions: TAP (Targeted Attack Protection) and TRAP (Threat Response Auto-Pull).

    Can’t Argue With Great success- case study

    Omer Elenko, Proofpoint Sales Manager at Innocom, Will tell about a company that has changed its approach to information security because of Proofpointץ

    Q/A You Ask, We Answer!

    Micha Bar and Benny Biton will answer all your questions.

    Event for invitees only

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